Speech Textbooks

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Perfecting the art of speech and pronunciation is something that we should all strive to do whether it is for educational purposes or just a personal interest and desire. We have a great range of cheap speech textbooks to buy or rent that will give you handy tips and advice on how to perfect your speech. In today's world speech plays a large role in our everyday communications, and in order to be understood our speech needs to be clear and recognizable. This become even more important in the business world, as in order to gain new clients, and clearly convey messages about your products or services, people need to be able to immediately understand what you are saying to them. This is taken to another level when you consider the importance of clear speech in public speaking. Our new and pre-owned speech textbooks are all in great condition. You can either browse through our collection to find an affordable textbook that you think you want, or if you have a study reading list just enter the ISBN number to find the exact speech textbook you are looking for.

Results 151 - 200 of 226 for Speech Textbooks
Comprehensive Guide for Pronouncing American English by Taguchi, Dorothy M., O'Dea,... ISBN: 9780945826002 List Price: $40.00
Speech Sounds in Action by Unknown ISBN: 9780808758334 List Price: $18.00
Spoken Word in the Primary School by Brittin, Arthur ISBN: 9780903915885
Art of Speech by Krummel, Dora ISBN: 9780908175307
Fundamentals of Voice and Diction by Mayer, Lyle V. ISBN: 9780697243140
Topics for Discussion and Language Practice by Sauvain, Philip, Carrier, M... ISBN: 9780717508563
Unlocking Speaking and Listening (Unlocking Series) by Jones, Deborah, Hodson, Pamela ISBN: 9780415603164 List Price: $128.00
Unlocking Speaking and Listening (Unlocking Series) by Jones, Deborah, Hodson, Pamela ISBN: 9780415603171 List Price: $39.95
Fundamentals of Speech by Evans, Gary ISBN: 9780972663243
Fundamentals of Speech by Evans, Gary ISBN: 9780975897461
The Pronunciation of English in the Atlantic States by Kurath, Hans, McDavid, Rave... ISBN: 9780817301293 List Price: $25.00
The Pronunciation of Standard American English by Luter, James G. ISBN: 9780939085002 List Price: $10.50
Pronunciation Activities by Egelberg, Arlene ISBN: 9780866470988 List Price: $16.50
Interacting in Groups: Theory and Practical by Klopf, Donald W. ISBN: 9780895822697 List Price: $16.95
IELTS Express: Upper Intermediate Workbook by Hallows, Richard (Richard H... ISBN: 9781413009675
Content Analysis of Verbal Behavior by Gottschalk, Louis A., Lolas... ISBN: 9780387163222 List Price: $66.00
Encyclopedic Dictionary of Speech by Laver, John, Asher ISBN: 9780631224198
Speaking for Today's World - Charlotte Croman - Hardcover by Croman, Charlotte, Schick, ... ISBN: 9780536586308 List Price: $37.60
Speech Communication for the Classroom Teacher - Pamela J. Cooper - Paperback - 3rd ed by Cooper, Pamela J. ISBN: 9780897873284 List Price: $24.00
Brief Introduction to Speech - Donovan J. Ochs - Paperback by Ochs, Donovan J., Winkler, ... ISBN: 9780155055834 List Price: $11.95
English Pronunciation - Michigan English Language Institute - Paperback - REVISED by English Language Institute ... ISBN: 9780472083039 List Price: $13.95
Patterns of English Pronunciation - J. Donald Bowen - Paperback by Bowen, J. Donald ISBN: 9780883770443 List Price: $15.95
School Programs in Speech-Language: Organization and Management - Elizabeth A. Neidecker - H... by Neidecker, Elizabeth A. ISBN: 9780137943302 List Price: $54.00
Understanding and Producing Speech - Edward Matthei - Hardcover by Matthei, Edward, Roeper, Th... ISBN: 9780876634578
Understanding and Producing Speech - Edward Matthei - Hardcover by Matthei, Edward, Roeper, Th... ISBN: 9780876638736
Grammatical Aspects of Foreign Accents: Spoken English Patterns for Practice and Reference -... by Dato, Daniel P., Compton, A... ISBN: 9781881336013 List Price: $39.95
Expression and Meaning - John R. Searle - Hardcover by Searle, John R. ISBN: 9780521229012 List Price: $39.50
Dictations for Discussion: A Listening / Speaking Text - Judy DeFilippo - Paperback by DeFilippo, Judy, Sadow, Cat... ISBN: 9780866471671 List Price: $19.00
Dictations For Discussion by DeFilippo, Judy, Sadow, Cat... ISBN: 9780866471725 List Price: $32.00
Dynamics of Speech Production and Perception Life and Behavioural Sciences by Divenyi, Pierre, Greenberg,... ISBN: 9781586036669 List Price: $146.00
Future of Speech Communication Education Proceedings of the 1988 Speech Communication Associ... by Cooper, Pamela, Galvin, Kat... ISBN: 9780944811023 List Price: $13.00
Writing Lives Composing Worlds by Unknown ISBN: 9780536586759 List Price: $56.00
Speech and Reticence: Sounds and Silence by Johnson, Carl ISBN: 9780883100011 List Price: $4.95
Talk a Lot by Folse, Keith S. ISBN: 9780472082452 List Price: $7.95
Grundfragen Der Allgemeinen Sprachwissenschaft by De Saussure, Ferdinand, Bal... ISBN: 9783110001587
Gentle Art of Verbal Self-Defense Workbook by Elgin, Suzette Haden ISBN: 9780880290609 List Price: $5.98
Speaking in Public and Private by Phillips, Gerald M., Kougl,... ISBN: 9780672616136
Anatomy and Physiology of the Speech Mechanism by Sheets, Boyd ISBN: 9780672612756
Powerpoint by Gronbeck ISBN: 9780321049261 List Price: $13.00
Pronunciation of English A Workbook by Kenworthy, Joanne ISBN: 9780340731239 List Price: $45.00
Interactions Access A Listening/Speaking Book by Thrush, Emily, Baldwin, Rob... ISBN: 9780070629172 List Price: $21.56
Intergrammar Toward an Integrative Model of Verbal, Prosodic, and Kinesic Choices in Speech by Arndt, Horst, Janney, Richa... ISBN: 9780899253312 List Price: $165.40
Study Guide for Speaking in Public and Private, Gerald M. Phillips, Kathleen M. Kougl, Lynne... by Phillips, Gerald M., Kougl,... ISBN: 9780672616228 List Price: $6.71
Teaching People to Speak Well Training and Remediation of Communication Reticence by Kelly, Lynne, Phillips, Ger... ISBN: 9781881303503 List Price: $69.50
Teaching People to Speak Well Training and Remediation of Communication Reticence by Kelly, Lynne, Phillips, Ger... ISBN: 9781881303510 List Price: $28.50
Past Is Prologue A 75th Anniversary History of the Speech Communication Association by Work, William, Jeffrey, Rob... ISBN: 9780944811030 List Price: $7.00
Mountain Man Vernacular Its Historical Roots, Its Linguistic Nature, and Its Literary Uses by Poulsen, Richard C. ISBN: 9780820401973 List Price: $36.00
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