Speech Textbooks

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Perfecting the art of speech and pronunciation is something that we should all strive to do whether it is for educational purposes or just a personal interest and desire. We have a great range of cheap speech textbooks to buy or rent that will give you handy tips and advice on how to perfect your speech. In today's world speech plays a large role in our everyday communications, and in order to be understood our speech needs to be clear and recognizable. This become even more important in the business world, as in order to gain new clients, and clearly convey messages about your products or services, people need to be able to immediately understand what you are saying to them. This is taken to another level when you consider the importance of clear speech in public speaking. Our new and pre-owned speech textbooks are all in great condition. You can either browse through our collection to find an affordable textbook that you think you want, or if you have a study reading list just enter the ISBN number to find the exact speech textbook you are looking for.

Results 201 - 226 of 226 for Speech Textbooks
Northstar Listening/Speaking 1 by Frazier, Laurie, Mills, Rob... ISBN: 9780131836235 List Price: $39.67
NorthStar Focus on Listening and Speaking Intermediate by Solorzano, Helen, Schmidt, ... ISBN: 9780131836242 List Price: $39.67
Northstar Listening/Speaking 3 by Sanabria, Kim, Ferree, Tess ISBN: 9780131836266 List Price: $39.67
Northstar Focus on Listening and Speaking/Hi-Intermediate Florida by Ferree, Tess, Sanabria, Kim ISBN: 9780130613547 List Price: $35.33
Northstar Focus on Listening and Speaking Basic Florida by Frazier, Mills ISBN: 9780130613523 List Price: $35.33
Northstar Focus on Listening and Speaking Intermediate Florida by Solorzano, Helen Sophia, Sc... ISBN: 9780130613530 List Price: $35.33
Northstar Listening/Speaking 4 by Preiss, Sherry ISBN: 9780131836273 List Price: $39.67
Hearing by Eye II Advances in the Psychology of Speechreading and Auditory-Visual Speech by Campbell, R., Burnham, D. J... ISBN: 9780863775024 List Price: $85.00
Letters, Sounds and Words by Brown, Grace M., Hulbert, M... ISBN: 9780840331335 List Price: $18.95
Spoken English Illuminated by Wilkinson ISBN: 9780335093496 List Price: $33.95
Speech Fundamentals:contemporary Appr. by Andersen, Sue, Pryor, Burt ISBN: 9780536582300 List Price: $47.00
By All Means, Communicate: An Introduction to Basic Speech by Lane, LeRoy E. ISBN: 9780131096127 List Price: $27.60
Speaking in Public and Private by Phillips, Gerald M., Kougl,... ISBN: 9780672616129
Personal and Public Speaking by Klopf, Donald W., Cambra, R... ISBN: 9780895820853 List Price: $12.95
Dictionary of Australian Colloquialisms by Wilkes, G. A. ISBN: 9780195537987 List Price: $49.95
Basic Speech by DeVito ISBN: 9780201575460 List Price: $24.00
Professional Learner's Dictionary of Spoken English by Dash, Rajendra Kumar ISBN: 9788120352254
Voice Quality : The Laryngeal Articulator Model by Esling, John H., Moisik, Sc... ISBN: 9781108736039 List Price: $33.99
English for Oral Presentations by Shafie, Latisha Asmaak, Ros... ISBN: 9789834719173 List Price: $24.95
Handbook of Speech Perception by Pisoni, David, Remez, Robert ISBN: 9781405166119 List Price: $185.00
Colloquial Zulu by Mbeje, Audrey, Gordon, Mary... ISBN: 9780415497473
Using Your Voice Wisely and Well : Vocal Awareness Activities for Children by Flynn, Pauline T., Andrews,... ISBN: 9780884505617 List Price: $52.00
Intonation of Conversational English (Educated Southern British). by Jassem, Wiktor ISBN: 9780598648075 List Price: $39.70
On Stage with English by Perkins Gilman, Charlotte ISBN: 9780838433492 List Price: $20.95
Showing 201 - 226 of 226 - Browse More Speech Textbooks for Sale
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