General Textbooks

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Results 601 - 650 of 847 for General Textbooks
Tito's Plot Against Europe : The Story of the Rajk Conspiracy by Kartun, Derek ISBN: 9780598533753 List Price: $38.50
Metternich et Son Temps by De Bertier de Sauvigny, Gui... ISBN: 9780598556202 List Price: $85.60
Slovenes : A Social History from the Earliest Times to 1910. Tr. from the Slovene by Loncar, Dragotin, Klancar, ... ISBN: 9780598554765 List Price: $30.00
History of Aragon and Catalonia by Chaytor, Henry John ISBN: 9780598559678 List Price: $101.70
Cid and His Spain by Men�ndez Pidal, Ram�n, Sund... ISBN: 9780598548337 List Price: $178.60
Estado Social y Politico de Los Mudejares de Castilla, Considerados en Si Mismos y Respecto ... by Fernandez y Gonzalez, Franc... ISBN: 9780598552211 List Price: $143.00
Meaning of Spanish Civilization, the Inaugural Lecture of Americo Castro by Princeton University Staff ISBN: 9780598552426 List Price: $30.00
Historire Politique de la Revolution de Hongrie, 1847-49 by Iranyi, Daniel, Chassin, Ch... ISBN: 9780598550958 List Price: $195.70
Historire Politique de la Revolution de Hongrie, 1847-49 by Iranyi, Daniel, Chassin, Ch... ISBN: 9780598550941 List Price: $130.60
Wiener Revolution 1848 : In Ihren Socialen Voraussetzungen und Beziehungen by Zenker, Ernest Victor ISBN: 9780598569646 List Price: $96.10
Dying Empire : Central Europe, Pan-Germanism and the Downfall of Austria--Hungary by Vosnjak, Bogumil ISBN: 9780598569585 List Price: $62.40
Kampf Um Spanien by Beumelburg, Werner ISBN: 9780598573179 List Price: $101.70
Hurd's Letters on Chivalry and Romance, with the Third Elizabethan Dialogue by Hurd, Richard, Morley, Edit... ISBN: 9780598587008 List Price: $56.50
Hungary, the Unwilling Satellite by Montgomery, John Flournoy ISBN: 9780598591494 List Price: $92.40
Memoirs of General Delgado by Delgado, Humberto da Silva ISBN: 9780598584441 List Price: $78.80
Prve Poselstvi Presidentovo a Odpoved Narodniho Shromazdeni by Masaryk, Tomas Garrigue ISBN: 9780598594587 List Price: $30.00
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Deseta Sednica Centralnog Komiteta SKJ by Savez Komunista Jugoslavije... ISBN: 9780598595744 List Price: $46.20
Bosna i Hercegovina Pod Austrougarskom Upravom by Kapidzic, Hamdija ISBN: 9780598595751 List Price: $124.00
Wojna Hiszpanska, 1936-1939 : Chronologia Wydarzen i Bibliografia by Bron, Michal ISBN: 9780598595294 List Price: $162.80
Wojna Hiszpanska, 1936-1939, W Dokumentach i Publikacjach by Bron, Michal ISBN: 9780598595355 List Price: $83.10
Srednja i Juzna Dalmacija i Crnogorsko Primorje Sa Zaledem by Barjaktarovic, Miodrag Z. ISBN: 9780598595225 List Price: $30.00
Republic for a Day : An Eye-Witness Account of the Carpatho- Ukraine Incident by Winch, Michael B. ISBN: 9780598609618 List Price: $98.30
Bismarck and the Hohenzollern Candidature for the Spanish Throne by Germany, Bonnin, George, Ma... ISBN: 9780598641045 List Price: $96.80
Truth about Hungary, Extracts from the Papers of R. Townson and Others by Truth about Hungary ISBN: 9780598640420 List Price: $30.00
Josephinismus Zur Geistigen Entwicklung Oesterreichs Im 18. und 19. , Jahrhundert by Valjavec, Fritz ISBN: 9780598642899 List Price: $41.00
Aragonesi e Catalani Nel Mediterraneo by Giunta, Francesco ISBN: 9780598643810 List Price: $112.30
Spain Today : Revolution and Counter-Revolution by Conze, Edward ISBN: 9780598658302 List Price: $49.00
Memoires et Correspondance Politique et Militaire Du Roi Joseph, Publies, Annotes et Mis en ... by Joseph II, Emperor of Germa... ISBN: 9780598656667 List Price: $149.50
Martyrdom of Spain, Origins of a Civil War by Mendizabal Villalba, Alfredo ISBN: 9780598663887 List Price: $88.10
Sketches in Portugal During the Civil War of 1834 by Alexander, James Edward ISBN: 9780598664259 List Price: $108.50
Memorias Documentadas by Llauder, Manuel ISBN: 9780598680594 List Price: $90.60
Francis Joseph i : His Life and Times, an Essay in Politics by Mahaffy, Robert Pentland ISBN: 9780598683755 List Price: $93.70
Adventures in Spain by Dumas, Alexandre, Murch, Al... ISBN: 9780598682741 List Price: $75.70
Spain in the Modern World by Cleugh, James ISBN: 9780598688378 List Price: $109.20
Life of Captain Alonso de Contreras, Knight of the Military Order of St. John, Native of Mad... by Contreras, Alonso de, Phill... ISBN: 9780598687340 List Price: $98.00
My Mission to Spain : Watching the Rehearsal for World War II by Bowers, Claude Gernade ISBN: 9780598689801 List Price: $142.60
Invertebrate Spain. Trans. by Mildred Adams by Ortega y Gasset, Jos� ISBN: 9780598690609 List Price: $67.60
Cheshskie Legiony V Sibiri by Sakharov, K. V. ISBN: 9780598707734 List Price: $42.50
Evolution of Hungary and Its Place in European History by Teleki, Pal ISBN: 9780598618313 List Price: $104.50
Historia de la Guerre Civil, y de los Partidos Liberal y Carlista by Pirala y Criado, Antonio ISBN: 9780598615374 List Price: $200.00
Historia de la Guerre Civil, y de los Partidos Liberal y Carlista by Pirala y Criado, Antonio ISBN: 9780598615367 List Price: $200.00
Historia de la Guerre Civil, y de los Partidos Liberal y Carlista by Pirala y Criado, Antonio ISBN: 9780598615398 List Price: $200.00
Historia de la Guerre Civil, y de los Partidos Liberal y Carlista by Pirala y Criado, Antonio ISBN: 9780598615381 List Price: $200.00
Historia de la Guerre Civil, y de los Partidos Liberal y Carlista by Pirala y Criado, Antonio ISBN: 9780598615411 List Price: $200.00
Historia de la Guerre Civil, y de los Partidos Liberal y Carlista by Pirala y Criado, Antonio ISBN: 9780598615404 List Price: $200.00
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